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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 盘腹蛛科 »

学名:Latouchia smithi
Total length, including chelicerae, 20.43; prosoma 5.94 long, 5.85 wide; opisthosoma 6.48 long, 5.13 wide. Carapace yellow brown, glabrous, only with a few setae at the edge, on eye tubercle and on its back. Caput low. Eye tubercle black and raised. Fovea strongly procurved and “U”–shaped. Eight eyes in two rows, with the anterior eye row procurved and posterior row recurved from above, the latter slightly wider than the former; eye group 0.63 long, 1.18 wide; ALE–AME 0.10, AME–AME 0.05, PLE–PME 0.03, PME–PME 0.40; MOA 0.50 long, front width 0.55, back width 0.75; ALE: AME: PLE: PME (0.35: 0.25: 0.28: 0.18). Clypeus width 0.18. Chelicerae red brown; 7 teeth on inner margin, which the distal three teeth smallest, 4 teeth on outer margin, with a denticle between the third and fourth teeth (Fig. 26); rastellum consists of seven coniform spines, of which four in the first row largest (Fig. 25).Labium, coxae of palp (maxillae) and sternum yellow brown. Labium 0.70 long, 1.10 wide. Coxae of palp (maxillae) 2.07 long, 1.35 wide; with 12–17 cuspules on basal inner angle ventrally; serrula absent. Sternum 3.60 long, 3.24 wide, with a sigillum three branched at the center. Legs red brown, longer than in female. Tarsal trichobothria similar to those of female. Tarsi I and II with relatively sparse scopulae. Leg I with strong spines on the end of prolateral femur, prolateral and ventral lateral patella and tibia; leg II with strong prolateral and ventral spines on patella, tibia (Fig. 31) and metatarsus; leg III, IV with a few relatively slender and longer spines on tibia, metatarsus and tarsus; tibia IV with 3–4 prolateral spines. Claw tufts absent. Legs with three tarsal claws; paired claws with one row of 3–4 small teeth. Leg formula: 4123. Measurement of legs and palp: I II III IV Palp Femur 6.39 5.94 4.59 6.39 3.87 Patella 2.88 2.79 2.61 2.88 1.98 Tibia 4.95 3.96 2.97 4.95 3.15 Metatarsus 4.41 4.05 4.95 6.30 — Tarsus 2.25 2.25 2.79 3.24 1.20 Total 20.88 18.99 17.91 23.76 10.20 PMS 0.54 long, PMS–PMS 0.17; PLS 1.29 long (basal 0.68, median 0.34, apical 0.27). Male palpal organ with middle hematodocha, embolus extended triangularly in the middle, cymbium with more than 10 thick setae at the top, and 8 tadpole–shaped, 1 willowleaf–shaped and 3 normal trichobothria on the dorsal surface (Figs. 27–30).